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Cynthia Santana

Cynthia Santana Certified Transformation Oracle Reader

October 2017

Reader of the Month

Get in touch with Cynthia!

CYNTHIA SANTANA offers adventure trips and spiritual counseling. She is a Certified Transformation Oracle Reader.

Cynthia on The Certification Workshop

Transformation Oracle
"Sonya Shannon's amazing art work comes to life as she takes you on journey of personal self discovery and insight in her weekend intensive classes with the Transformational Oracle Cards. Whether you are new to oracle card reading or a seasoned veteran, you will love this class. Her stories and in-depth spiritual downloads will keep you on the edge of your seats, begging for more — 3 days is just not enough. The seekers that are magical, drawn to this class, fill the room with their high vibration. Everyone's gifts come out over the course of this weekend, as you are transformed though the cards."
Transformation Oracle Certified Reader Blue Ribbon

Cynthia Santana

Get a Reading with Cynthia!

Please call or text 720-837-5029 or click here to email Cynthia to schedule a Transformation Oracle reading. Ask about a Skype reading with Cynthia! Cynthia is also available for adventure trips and spiritual counseling.


“I love helping people to realize their transformational journey. I am just the conduit to help them see the next steps on their path to transformation. I have been blessed with the ability to fully see the language of the cards and to interpret your personal message divinely by spirit. With a humble & gracious heart, I look forward to seeing the highest and best in your card readings.” – Cynthia Santana

Cynthia Santana reading the Transformation Oracle at the 2017 BMSE Metaphysical Fair in Denver, CO.

Explore Cynthia’s transformation story, Heart, Soul & Service.
Read Cynthia’s research on Transformation Through the Elements.