Clarify & Deepen Your Interpretation

Here is your chance to show what you’ve got! In the Practical Work, you’ll explore your own ideas, practice on real seekers, and complete four written assignments:
- Tell your transformation story
- Element Balancing Spread
- Free Choice Spread
- Add to the body of knowledge about the Transformation Oracle through original, documented research about a symbol, element or idea

Who Should Attend
If you want to do some writing or make a video, the Practical Work component is a great chance to express yourself. Required for all CERTIFIED READER candidates. Open to all levels. Beginners welcome!
Your work will be evaluated based on originality of ideas & examples. Your practical work may be published on the official Transformation Oracle website, with a link to your website.

Download the PRACTICAL WORK description.
Your Transformation Experience
Describe your personal experience with transformation in your life. You may focus on a single time of transformation or a theme of transformations over a period of time. Write in journal-style and refer to at least one card in each of the Four Elements (1-5 pages).
Check out examples of Transformation Stories.
Element Balancing Reading
Document your interpretations for an Element Balancing Spread. Keep the seeker’s identity anonymous (1 page). Study examples of Element Balancing Spreads.
Additional Reading – Free Choice
Document a reading using your choice of spread: Levels of Being, Project Spread, Celtic Cross, Chakra Spread, or any Expanded Spread (1-2 pages). Keep the seeker’s identity anonymous. Here are examples of Free Choice Spreads.
Research & Documentation
Pick one concept from the Transformation Oracle, such as a symbol, element, card, or theme. Write a short essay (1-5 pages) —OR- create a short video (2-5 minutes), in which you expand on the concept through original ideas & research, adding to the body of available knowledge. Use citations (footnotes or references) where necessary. Document your findings & submit for evaluation. Check out these examples of original research.